Monitor network bandwidth (C#.NET 2k/XP+). Desktop and Systray graph. Configurable connection speed, update interval, color, transparency. Monitor any or all network interfaces. Ping/Trace/UPnP utilities. Email notifier (POP/IMAP). Requires .NET 2.0. Written by David Schultz and Mieszko Lassota.
Changes in 1.6.3:
- fixed bug with date start equal to birth of JC
- added option to start at windows start (thanks to Gabi Shaar)
- fixed memory leak that caused FM to crash after a while
- fixed download arrow not showing on some systems
- improved performance a bit
- fixed simple icon feature
- fixed FM not showing sometimes on icon click
- changed about dialog a bit
- no info if there is no new version available
Download FreeMeter 1.6.3