iTraffic Monitor

iTraffic Monitor is a network monitor and reporting tool. It provides real time graph of network traffic. Detailed stats provide daily/weekly/monthly/yearly stats. Stop watch, Session stats.
  • Monitor and review your Internet or network bandwidth usage with ease.
  • How fast your internet connection? We can graph it for your review.
  • How much data do you transfer? We show you a real-time graph or numerical display, as well as daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly reports.
  • Requires minimal desktop space and system resources.

Advanced Network Filtering
By utilizing WinPcap we’re able to filter out local network traffic or traffic between specific IP addresses, this is very important for people connected to the internet via a local area network (LAN). Very few network monitors can do this, The ones that do usually cost a lot. WinPcap is part of the installation, during installation you can uncheck it and use iTraffic Monitor without it. Though you lose this ability.

Stop Watch
The main graph shows you the current transfer speed. But if you need a 100% accurate measurement of the transfer speed to or from your computer, you can use the Bandwidth Stop Watch Feature. It enables you to measure bandwidth usage in a specific time interval.

Session Stats
Like the stopwatch above we also have a separate pane that can display session stats, session stats start the moment iTraffic Monitor is started and continue until the program is closed.

Main Window
Almost every aspect of the graph can be changed, from the font, to the colors, and style. The window supports transparency and frameless for a compact view, you can also adjust the visiblity of the x-axis and y-axis.

Our reports let you see exactly how much Internet traffic data that has been transferred to and from your computer. You can select to show data transfer between days, weeks, months or years. It’s also possible to export traffic reports to a spreadsheet (*.csv) compatible text file if needed.

Browse Mode
With our browse mode you can literally scrolls back and see a graph of the traffic that occurred minutes, even hours earlier. Ever prepare a huge download queue only to return home hours later and see it still not completed. Now you can browse your internet traffic history over the past several hours and find out exactly when it stopped and for how long.

In order for iTraffic Monitor to continually keep track of your stats its recommended you run iTraffic Monitor when windows start. From the Setup > Options Tab, check the option “Load on Windows Startup”.

Advanced / Changing Tray activity icons
When the “Show Activity in Tray Icon” option is enabled the images will replicate windows standard network activity icons.

These icons can be customized. Simply name them 0-4.ico and place them in your iTraffic Monitor program folder.

Create a 16×16 pixel icon (16 or 256 color) and name it based on the chart below.

0.ico = Standard icon (when show activity option is unchecked)
1.ico = no activity
2.ico = activity in/out
3.ico = activity in
4.ico = activity out

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