MonPwr 1.0.12

MonPwr by Caffinc is a freeware that lets you turn off your Laptop/PC monitor with just a click of a button – and keep it turned off until you click the mouse or press the enter key/spacebar – without affecting any background processes. Save power and extend your monitor’s life.

It’s easy to use and very meagre on resource consumption.

MonPwr keeps the monitor turned off even if you accidentaly jerk the mouse. It’s compatible with all versions of Windows for the PC and Laptop.

Just run the executable and click Turn Off to turn off the monitor. To turn it back on, click the mouse/press the enter key/press the spacebar. Any other keys/mouse jerks will not turn on the monitor, ensuring that it will not accidentally turn on when you leave it turned off.

Download MonPwr 1.0.12

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