An easy-to-use video cutter, Cut videos quickly in several mouse clicks.
It is a Frame Accurate video processor. You can cut movies in ps/ts formats.
Especially, only small part on start and end point will be re-encoded, the middle part will remain untouched. This gives highest speed while reserving highest video quality. So called SMART CUTTER.
Supporting M2TS, TS, PS, TRP, MTS; H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MPEG, DVD etc.
- Press ‘Open’, select a .ts .m2ts .mpg .vob file
- Use long slider to seek
- Use short slider to find frame accuratly
- Use ‘<|’or ‘|>’to single step forward or back.
- Set in point by ‘New Start Point’
- Set out point by ‘New End Point’
- Press Red Circle Button, show cut dialog
- Press ‘Convert’, it will be running
For cut list operation, after setting points, press button ‘addlist’; when all segments set, press button ‘Record List’. If merge needed, lighten the button ‘link’